Friday 9 October 2009

Variables and strictness analysis in XmlPrime 0.9

This is the fourth post in a series about performance and optimizations in XmlPrime. The first post in the series is available here. In this post I will look at how we implement variables in XmlPrime.

XmlPrime 1.0 has introduced a number of improvements to the way we use variables, mainly to increase performance of user defined functions and to unbox variable values. See the previous post for more information about unboxing.

All expressions returning sequences in XmlPrime are (currently) evaluated lazily. This means that every expression returns an enumerator, and the values are computed as they are needed.

This post looks at how we implement variables in XmlPrime. All variables are stored in the stack. The stack is implemented as an array of IEnumerable instances. Every variable is allocated an index into the stack, and each function call is allocated its own stack in which to place its variables (this is required in order to support recursive functions - each time the function recurses we need a new set of variables). There is also a separate stack for global variables, which is implemented in much the same way.

The simplest way to place a value on the stack is to evaluate it in its entirety, into a List<T> for example. This list is placed on the stack, and then every variable reference can retrieve and enumerate over this value.
If our value is a single item then we can do slightly better by skipping the list.

However this goes against our design philosophy of evaluating as much as possible lazily; if only the first item of the variable is looked at then we still end up computing the whole sequence.

Another way variables can be stored on the stack is by creating a closure (sometimes known as a lazy thunk) around the expression defining the variable. A closure consists of a copy of the current stack frame, and the expression defining the variable. This closure is placed on the stack. When a reference to the variable is evaluated, the closure is retrieved, and the act of enumerating it causes the expression to be evaluated in its own context, as if it had been evaluated when it was first seen. Although this addresses the issue that only as much of the value that is needed is evaluated, it introduces a new problem that if the variable is evaluated more than once then the result is recomputed. To defeat this an extra level of caching is added to the enumerators. A list of cached values is shared between all enumerators over the closure, and every time the enumerator is moved, an attempt is made to retrieve the value from this list before evaluating it.

This extra level of caching adds a performance hit however, and results in the sequence being stored in memory. Some small optimizations can be made though; once we have enumerated over the entire sequence, the closure on the stack can be replaced with its value, simplifying any further accesses to the variable, but any references still being enumerated still pay a performance penalty.

For this reason XmlPrime 0.9 used both ways of evaluating variables. All variables are classed as eager or lazy. A strict variable is one that is always used in its entirety - for example $x in the expression sum($x). In order to sum a sequence, every value in the sequence must be examined. A lazy variable is one that may not be evaluated in its entirety (or may not be evaluated at all). This is known as strictness analysis. It is performed in a separate pass after optimization, as optimization moves variables around which can invalidate judgements made. Special annotations are needed for every expression and function in order to correctly propagate the strictness rules. The analysis can get quite complex as for example in the following case, which illustrates some of the considerations that need to be made:

let $x := ...
let $y := ...
let $z := sum($y)
if (...)
then sum ($x)+ $z
else $z

In this case $x is lazy, since if the else branch is hit $x is never evaluated. $z however is always evaluated in both branches and so is eager. $y is eager, but only because $z is eager.

Eager variables are clearly best suited to having their values placed on the stack (as they will be used in their entirety), and lazy variables are better evaluated using a closure, as they may not be evaluated in their entirety.

As I mentioned at the start, this is the behaviour as implemented in XmlPrime 0.9. XmlPrime 1.0 has dramatically expanded the number of ways that variables are placed on the stack, and the strictness analysis is now a lot more sophisticated, giving more detail on how variables are used. Variables can now be stored as unboxed values, and the strictness analysis has been improved for recursive functions. I will explain these differences in the next post.

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